Pregnancy Food Chart For The First Month - SuperBottoms
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Overview of first-month pregnancy food chart 

Congratulations! You just received the good news. The first trimester of your pregnancy is the most important time of your pregnancy - it is during this time that all your baby’s vital organ systems, including nervous, digestive, and circulatory systems start developing. Therefore, it is crucial to be aware of what food items to consume and what to avoid to have a healthy baby. 

In this blog we will share with you the first-month pregnancy food chart to help you gain necessary nutrients in the first month of your pregnancy. We have both vegetarian and non-vegetarian options which include various fruits, and dry fruits as well.  

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Foods you should eat 

You should aim to eat about 2000 calories a day in the first month of pregnancy. This can be even more depending on the level of activities you undertake in a day. If you're having trouble with quantity, concentrate on quality — making sure that the food you do manage to eat is rich in necessary nutrients.

Dairy products in first-month pregnancy food chart 

Pregnancy demands that you consume calcium and proteins to meet the needs of your growing foetus. Dairy products like milk, cheese, and yoghurt are a decent source of these minerals. Yoghurt is also a very good source of probiotic bacteria which supports digestive health and can be included in the first month pregnancy food chart.

If you are lactose intolerant, you should consult your doctor about what dairy items to add. 

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Fruits in first month pregnancy food chart 

If you’re pregnant and craving for something sweet, fruit is the perfect solution. You can enjoy them in salads, smoothies, yoghurt, or as a snack.
Oranges and avocados are a great source of folate, or folic acid. Mangoes are high in Vitamin A and Vitamin C. Deficiency of these Vitamins at birth is associated with lower immunity and a higher risk of complications, like diarrhoea and respiratory infections. Avocados are also a good source of Vitamin C, B, K, dietary fibre, magnesium and potassium.
Potassium can help relieve leg cramps, a common pregnancy symptom caused by a deficiency of potassium and magnesium in the body.
Lemons, bananas, berries and apples are some of the fruits you must include in your first month pregnancy food chart due to their high nutritional value.


Eating dark leafy vegetables is good for everyone, not just pregnant women. You should add vegetables like broccoli,spinach, carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, corn, bell peppers, tomatoes and onions to your dietary plan.
Broccoli and other green vegetables are rich in nutrients and minerals like vitamins A, C, and K, calcium, iron, and folate. They're also rich in antioxidants and fibre, which can ease constipation during pregnancy. 

Dried fruits

Dry fruits and nuts like almonds, walnuts, raisins, and dried figs, are essential for the growth and health of your baby. Being rich in essential nutrients like proteins, fibre, and several vitamins and minerals, dry fruits are a great addition to your first month pregnancy food chart

Protein-rich food in first month pregnancy food chart 

The building blocks of protein, called amino acids are crucial in maintaining the structure of our muscles, skin and bones and producing critical hormones for growth. Amino acids are also required for normal cell growth and function and therefore it is important to include protein-rich foods in your diet. 

Foods you should not eat

To keep yourself and your baby healthy, you’ll need to pay attention to the food that you should and should not eat. You should completely avoid undercooked or processed meat and raw eggs as these might be contaminated with certain types of bacteria. Big fish which have high mercury content should also be avoided although small ones can be safely consumed. Alcohol should be completely off the table and caffeine consumption should also be limited. 


Seafood is a rich source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids which can promote your baby's brain and eye development. Bigger fish contain higher levels of mercury which is dangerous for your baby's developing nervous system and they are to be avoided. You should also avoid raw, refrigerated or undercooked seafood. 


Drinking alcohol during pregnancy is very bad for your growing foetus.. Alcohol can easily reach your baby across the placenta through your bloodstream and damage their cell and nervous system. This can result in lifetime defects for your baby.  They will grow up to develop learning difficulties, poor coordination and behavioural problems for the rest of their lives. Alcohol is toxic and even a little amount must be avoided during pregnancy. 

Soft cheese

Soft, unpasteurised cheeses and packaged meat products may contain Listeria, a bacteria which can be very dangerous for your foetus. The infection caused by this bacteria- Listeriosis- can cause miscarriage, premature birth.
However, most soft cheeses made from pasteurised milk and hard cheeses are generally considered safe in pregnancy and can be added to the first-month pregnancy food chart.


You should try and limit your caffeine intake during pregnancy. No more than 200 mg a day. Caffeine can be found in coffee, tea, colas, and chocolate. If you must have your morning and evening beverages, you could switch to a cup of decaffeinated coffee or tea.  

Processed and packaged food in the first month of pregnancy food chart

Food companies are typically not very forthcoming about the ingredients used in packaged foods.  You can occasionally indulge in such food items but frequent consumption is not encouraged. 

They could lead to constipation, weight gain and might even contain bacteria like Listeria.


Every pregnancy is different, there will be foods which your body will not be able to tolerate. This list is therefore not exhaustive and you should consult your doctor for a detailed first month pregnancy food chart

Note from SuperBottoms

Welcome to SuperBottoms! As you browse our website, we want to share a special note from our team. We are proud to introduce ourselves as the creators of eco-friendly and reusable cloth diapers for babies. At SuperBottoms, our mission is to provide parents with a safe, comfortable, and affordable solution for their little ones. Our range of reusable diapers and other products are thoughtfully designed with both the environment and your baby's needs in mind. Join us on this sustainable parenting journey and discover the joy of using SuperBottoms!

Some Frequently Asked Questions

1. What can I do to alleviate morning sickness?

Avoid spicy food and opt for bland and low-fat food. Eat small and frequent meals and snacks instead of heavy meals and drink plenty of water to aid in digestion. 

2. Why are multivitamins necessary during pregnancy?

Multivitamins will most probably be recommended by your doctor. They act like an insurance policy so your baby gets all the nutrients it needs for healthy growth and development.

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